Home Awards


rock climber
The winners of the Real Estate Capital Awards 2019 demonstrated creativity against a backdrop of challenging market conditions.
The deadline to make your mark in our annual awards is midnight, UK time, tonight.
The polls for our annual awards close at midnight, 10 January. Don’t miss the chance to have your say.
Why not take time this festive period to have your say on 2019’s top performers?
The deadline for submissions for the REC 2019 awards is next Monday, 25 November.
With less than two weeks to go, we urge you to send us your submissions for REC's annual recognition of real estate debt's top performers.
The organisations and deals voted last year's best can be announced at long last.
The polls for our annual awards close at midnight on Friday. Don’t miss the chance to have your say.
As the voting deadline for Real Estate Capital’s annual awards draws near, competition is fierce across several categories.
Why not take a moment during the festive period to have your say on 2018’s top performers?

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